In Peace 1974
Unique World Edition Of Originals: 10 (1 available)
Size Of Piece: 23 x 16 inches
Original Type: Vintage 48 year old Cibachrome Deluxe
Hand printed by The Artist
For Price: Contact Us
Elliott was only 23 years old when he created ‘In Peace’. It took seven days to create and is likely to be recalled as one of the artist’s earliest magna opera. Note this is NOT a montage. Elliott never used such a crude methodology, as the results were never convincing enough for his critical standards. Elliott worked on ‘In Peace’ for 7 days, the first time the artist had devoted such passion and energy to a single piece since ‘Infinity & Eternity’ of 1972. ‘In Peace’ blends photography, painting and sculpture with great panache and was a daring departure from traditional photography. By concentrating on the synthesis of an inner vision and creating intensely creative scenarios for the camera, Elliott predates later entrants to the field by many years. Orchestrating reality for the camera instead of vice versa was unheard of when Elliott invented the concept and began to develop and use it in the early Seventies. The artist takes the view that 'Great Art comes from within, not without." and this is expression of said philosophy.
His use of colour, original composition and deft combination of visual elements show clear indications of Elliott's strength and confidence in his chosen medium. Even the lighting is extraordinary. The title is a contraction of "Rest In Peace", continues Elliott's preoccupation with substance and depth, evident in even his earliest works. Elliott draws vestiges of childhood memories, from funerals and subterranean exploration. The caves Elliott explored as a child were under the graveyard with the dead high above. Strange thought. He rationalised it years later, even though it did not occur to him whilst creating the image. ‘In Peace’ was first shown publicly in 1977, at Elliott's critically acclaimed one man show at the Pentax Gallery in Mayfair, London. The following year, looking like a neon rose in a field full of limp dandelions, it was featured in Photography Year Book and has since been published all over the world.
The use of colour is superb. Elliott states he was trying to create an image which looked, 'Like a diamond on black velvet.'
Which he clearly did.
